OPT Study Groups

Starting on June 29, this page will have the “storefront” where you can purchase access to the first launch of OPT (OccuPlaytional Therapist) Facebook Study Groups.

Here is the link to the storefront where you can purchase access to one of the groups.

There are 3 groups. They are named Octopi, Otters, and Owls. The only reason for the names is so that if you and a friend wish to sign up for the same group, you can (instead of me randomly assigning you). Otherwise, choose at random or which animal you like best. 🙂 

If you want more information about OPT Study Groups, feel free to read below. If you already received the email and are just waiting for June 29 to come, then I will see you then!


This July-August I’m going to be running a 6-week, online community “study group”. It will be hosted on Facebook, so it’s located somewhere that most likely you already follow me.

The aim of this project is to create several smaller cohorts of people who already like my page and find my content valuable. My hope is that some of you might become friends, supporters, community with one another. Additionally, by having a private space, we can discuss topics more deeply and personally in the comments than we can on my public page.

Because I want this to be both moderatable by me and also small enough to start recognizing names and making friends, space is limited. I’ll be starting with one group of 75, and if we meet that amount, we’ll add another group of 75, and we’ll cap it at 3 groups if such a thing becomes necessary. So, at most, 225 people can sign up for this.

Within the groups, I will share my OPT page posts for the day, plus one additional bonus content (never seen before or shared elsewhere) for every day. That means that every day for 6 weeks, you’ll get 1 new post that you can’t get anywhere else — 42 new posts total — plus safe, private discussion of the usual public posts as well, if that’s something you want.

I’ll be active in the groups to moderate, discuss, answer questions, and just chat and be among friends. A Q&A or topic suggestion from the audience will be a part of this once we get a few weeks in. There will also be Live Videos scheduled, if you prefer to learn by watching my face talk instead of reading what my fingers write. 😊

The cost to sign up will be $40 USD. Sign-ups will be available on this page, but are not open until June 29. 

This study group will run from July 8 – August 18. After that, I will no longer be personally posting new posts in the group each day, but the group will remain open for as long as members want, to continue to be a community/discussion place. Also because of the hope for creating a community, and because this is a pilot project, I won’t be differentiating the audience — for example, sorting it into teachers vs caregivers, or parents of big kids vs parents of little kids. Instead, each group will have a mix of people at all walks of life and coming to the group for all reasons. We can all learn from each other!

If you’re a parent — you’re welcome to join.
If you’re a teacher — you’re welcome to join.
If you’re a therapist — you’re welcome to join.
If you don’t have kids or work with kids but are reparenting yourself — you’re welcome to join.
If you’re a grandparent — you’re welcome to join.
If you volunteer with kids — you’re welcome to join.
If you just love my page — you’re welcome to join.
All voices are welcomed. ❤️