I’m Bored!
[Image description: A dark blue square field with white text on it that reads, “I’m Bored! Could actually mean… My anxiety is high and I need something to block it out. I’m too overwhelmed to […]
[Image description: A dark blue square field with white text on it that reads, “I’m Bored! Could actually mean… My anxiety is high and I need something to block it out. I’m too overwhelmed to […]
This camp invitation* was so simple and so engaging — all I did was collect a bunch of things that weren’t paintbrushes and set them out with a big piece of paper and some paint! […]
I set up an invitation at camp* to make “nature soup”. If we had had the access, I would’ve loved for the kids to be able to pick whatever flowers and leaves and weeds and […]
I knew that among the play invitations that I had available at camp*, that I would want to have one more structured, writing-based invitation every day. I wanted this for a variety of reasons: there […]
The single play invitation that I was most excited for in all of Camp Creativity* was set for Thursday: the “make your own potion” station. This could totally have been anywhere from really simple to […]
The space that I had available for camp was the open outdoor area between the building I work in and the next building over. It has parking lots on either side, so I knew we […]
I’m going to start out today by just showing you guys the list of literally everything that I had planned for camp on each day, because I think that’ll give me a touchpoint to go […]
I am SOOOOO excited to tell you guys all about “Camp Creativity”, the sensory-rich, arts-and-crafts, child-led play day camp for 30 kids and their parents that I have been planning for a couple of months […]
Here’s a tiny little “this is working for our family right now so maybe it will for someone else too”: Our only form of screen time for our kids right now is TV shows and […]
My coworker and friend walked into my office and said, “I just went to use the microwave and someone had just left it on one second!” My other coworker/friend agreed “Ugh, I hate that!” I […]
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